Choosing a Theme for your Newborn's First Photoshoot

You're pregnant! Congratulations! Now---time to start making decisions.

Just for starters, you'll need to choose:

- Disposable diapers or cloth?

- Choose a pediatrician?

- Pick out a name?

- To circumcise or not?

- Which brand of car seat?

And the list goes on and on. But not all of the choices have to be hard like those. Choosing a theme for your newborn photos is one decision you can't get wrong!

Some people believe you become an adult when you turn 18, others say it's 21, still others say it's when you graduate from college. I believe having a baby is the real moment when you become an adult because your life is not only about you anymore. Soon you'll be watching Peppa Pig and Paw Patrol for your little one's sake.

Newborn pictures are one way to start blending your old life with your new life! Think about the things that make you who you are today. It can be anything!

Did you go to every midnight book release for Harry Potter? Then why not get your newborn into the wonderful world of wizardly early!? Look at this sweet baby Hermione dreaming of the perfect swish and flick for a Wingardium Leviosa spell.

Or are your book interests wider than Harry Potter? Is there a part of you who secretly wishes you were a librarian? Teach your baby the importance of reading early with a book themed session!

Did your love of music lead you to being a DJ? How about this some a picture you'd like to hang on your wall?

Crochet and knit newborn photography props are all over Pinterest, but when you've just had a baby you don't have time to be crocheting! So for this busy mama, I made the ultimate crochet newborn picture to show her love for all things yarn.

One more example to help get your creative juices flowing. Is your little one's nursery going to be aviation or cloud themed? How about this sweet prop for your little pilot's newborn photos? Then when he grows up, we can use it again for his 1st year smash cake!

Seriously though. Think about it. What makes your family special? How did the two of you meet?

- For the lady who has never been spotted without a cup of starbucks in hand, do a coffee themed picture.

- For the green thumb, why not show your newborn baby as a gardener?

- For teachers who dedicate their lives to educating our youth, a classroom scene with my newborn sized desk.

There are plenty of newborn photographers in Overland Park who can take beautiful pictures of your new baby. But only with Itsy Bitsy Images will your baby pictures come alive.

My studio is already filled with hundreds of props, but that's just the beginning. Since I specialize in these custom designed sets, I buy new and unique props for almost every baby.

So bring me your ideas! You can bring me a fully formed vision for your shoot or just a single word that's important to you. Either way, by the time your baby is born I'll have the perfect set ready for her.

Itsy Bitsy Images serves the Kansas City metro area and beyond! We've had clients from Overland Park, Lenexa, Olathe, Gardner, Leawood, and as far as Wichita.
